Health and Safety Policy Statement

Health and Safety Policy Statement

Renewable Oil Services (ROS) provide a fluid exchange service to the Renewable industry, on and offshore.

ROS will carry out activities to provide, so far as reasonably practicable, safe, and healthy working conditions, for its entire staff and will take all reasonable measures, to avoid placing anyone at risk who may be affected by its activities. Ensuring that a consistent approach to the application of risk assessment techniques is applied across all services within the organisation. ROS will create and maintain a culture of risk awareness within the organisation, which is reflected in both business planning and operational management. ROS will set out training and support available for staff who undertake risk assessment.

ROS is committed to providing and maintaining Health and Safety, the company has a documented Health and Safety system, which aims to achieve the following:

  • Provide and maintain, for use by our staff, plant and equipment that are safe and without risks to health.
  • Provide a safe working environment for our staff with an adequate means of escape in the event of fire or other emergency.
  • Provide staff working for us with appropriate information, instruction, safety training and supervision to ensure competency.
  • Provide appropriate welfare and first aid arrangements.
  • Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety and encourage participation in forums etc and provide awareness of individual OH&S obligations.
  • Ensure site project related OH&S issues are managed and controlled.
  • Seek to prevent accidents and cases of work-related injury and ill health.
  • Ensure continuous improvement in the OH&S management and performance.
  • Comply with all relevant requirements of health, safety, and welfare legislation, which it regards as setting minimum standards for the company.
  • Provide a framework for setting and reviewing OH&S objectives and targets and encourage continuous improvement in the management and performance of our OH&S system within a framework of compliance with ISO 45001.
  • Review the policy annually and monitor on an ongoing basis the implementation of the health, safety, and welfare procedure

Compliance with the above will ultimately lead to maintain and achieve highest levels of Health and Safety by means of globally accepted standards.

Signed          Barry Sutherland                                      Date 17.11.2021

Director:  Barry Sutherland